Q. Does the Universe (U), or my higher self, get tired of me asking questions? Are you sick of me?

A. Of course not. You could spend your life conversing with pen and ink with the “U” but we don’t want to suggest that as you are on Earth to live a life. Living a life means interacting with life. The questions you have can be answered in life. You ask if the Universe gets tired of your communication. Start counting how many awe-inspiring moments you experience, you encounter, and realize those moments are indeed the Universe reaching out to you! The Universe is in constant communication. Constant. Never tired. The Universe is grateful you have agreed to participate in a life experience because a life experience expands the Universe. God/Source wants all experiences to expand its consciousness. Every single person on Earth is taking part – their individual part – in expanding consciousness. Do you see why you should not judge a single thing or person? All events are growth events. All experiences add to the growth. The Universe, God, is so grateful for your participation that it is there for you in every single way. Whatever it is you want to experience it will be granted. Since God wants all experiences in the coffers nothing is ever denied. Now, within those granted wishes you may learn that perhaps a wish or experience was made too hastily or ends up not to your liking. But that is up to you, personally, to decide. Not God. God welcomes all of it. All. So, rest assured that what you desire, from your heart, will be granted, and fulfilled. And when you falter or regret a decision or choice, God is there to help you through that as well. But never regret. It’s all learning. Learning is growing.

God will never tire of hearing from you, from helping you, from guiding you, from talking to you through many means. Guiding will be done in conjunction with your higher self, keeping you on track with the lesson or experience you came here to have. Since there is a specific goal in mind for each incarnation, the Source will work with your higher self to guide you keeping you on point. That could be why you feel that, on occasion, a prayer or wish goes unanswered. When you live each day as it comes, trusting that the guidance, synchronicities, and how the day unfolds are meant to be, you will be living your best life!

You are your own best friend, your best confidant, your own best partner. You are an extension of Source/God, an offspring, and you are all his (not a he) favorite. So no, God does not tire of hearing from any of you, from connecting with you. He relishes it. He longs for it. He “lives” for it. And definitely NOT a “he.”

If you would like to ask your own question of the Universe, please send it to Lynn Carol. I will post the question and answer on this blog, anonymously if requested.


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