I am having a week. From the craziness of our country, sadness over the plane crash, cold weather and several personal issues with family, with work, with life. I am feeling overwhelmed to put it mildly. At times like this I have been known to pull a tarot card, write my own channeled advice to myself, and open a book to a random page and see what I might find in the way of a message. I did that for this week’s blog. I opened my Back to Being book to see what I’d get. Here it is:
Q. What are some things we can learn or train ourselves to see and/or be by raising our vibration? Are there exercises to see auras, manipulate energy, walk on water, and heal people? Can we shapeshift too?
A. First, manipulating energy is how you conquer/achieve all those abilities. All of them. Energy/vibration these terms in this implication are interchangeable. When you raise your vibration, you are manipulating the energies and when you’re in a state of manipulating energies you can walk on water, see auras, and absolutely heal people.
Healing people is tricky, however, as most, if not all, people “choose” their sickness for a myriad of reasons and they do not want to heal. The way you would know this, in your heightened vibration, is you would connect with their higher vibration and work it out. If their soul is ready for healing then you’re good to go; although at that point they could heal themselves but not everyone knows how. It’s easy to make yourself sick, harder to believe you can heal yourself.
It’s possible, if you practice healing energy, that a sick person will seek you out when they are ready to be healed, and then it will happen. Even though not everyone wants to heal completely you can always offer comfort, and ease their pains and anxieties. When you are in a higher healing vibration you are in essence balancing their energy back into alignment to heal and/or comfort. They (the patient) will use the energy in a way that benefits them the most. You (a healer) would not be directing the energy, they would be allowing and accepting the energy into where they wanted the healing. It’s an agreement between the energies and a willingness to accept it.
Seeing auras doesn’t take too much training; however, it can be very distracting to see auras without the ability to turn it off and on. Once you see them, it’s hard not to see them. What you might want to stick with or start with is being more in tune with a person’s energy. More on a feeling level. You don’t need to see an angry red aura to know when someone is angry. You can feel it in the air, and see it in their face, and body language.
Everyone has this innate ability to pick up on characteristics of others, i.e. when they’re being truthful, genuine, in love, and happy; you, as people, can sense this easily. If you can’t, it’s because you don’t want to. That’s called denial. Denial runs rampant in humanity, by the individuals’ choosing. Denial keeps your soul from growing. Denial is a mechanism used to keep things, beliefs, feelings, in status quo. Facing truth is daunting or so you would have yourself believe. In reality, facing the truth is freeing. The most freeing activity one can choose.
Walking on water is a parlor trick. You shift your weight and balance and your mindset. So much is accomplished by believing you can do it. And then practicing. When you’re a baby you have to believe you can roll over, sit up, walk, run, ride a bike, and then you do it. It’s a mindset. Many people can float on the water, and many people sink. Mindset and balance. Yogis can do miraculous body-bending “stunts” – mindset, balance, and practice.
Shapeshifting. We would put this in a separate category. There is some level of shape-shifting when you, for instance, dress up to go to a “ball”. You can look completely different than the person you were when you rolled out of bed that morning. You haven’t changed your shape as much as you have changed your appearance, you’ve shifted your energy enabling you to look a different way. When you dress up or wear a suit to work, you act differently. You’ve shape-shifted, in a way, to be an alternate you.
Shapeshifting to become an animal, from yourself to an animal? Remember the section previously where we said humans come from other planets before incarnation on earth? There are different species. Of course, when incarnated on Earth everyone is Human, but you all still carry functionalities and abilities in your DNA from your original species. No, your scientists don’t talk about it, but there are what they would call abnormalities in various groups of people that are not abnormalities at all, but abilities within your DNA. Shapeshifting into an animal for instance would have to be one of those abilities carried over from your original species. Therefore, it can’t be something taught if you are not from that lineage. If you are from that lineage you can be taught, it can be developed.
There are many different origins of species here incarnated on Earth at this time. As stated, much conflict on Earth happens because of conflicts carried over from the origin species. A goal of Earth’s experience is to overcome. We’ve stated this throughout these writings. Overcoming these conflicts is key. The conflicts are primarily continued by very few in power, not by people in general. It will have to be the people in general who work together to overcome conflicts. The general population will figure out a way. Figuring it out, that’s the name of this game of Life. On every level. Figuring out how to overcome. From the smallest of issues (your love life, your happy job) to world issues, equality, cleaning the environment, ending wars, and ending conflict. Working together, working with your guidance, working with the energies, working with your happiness. You are here to evolve, to move forward, to figure it out, to overcome. So get on it!
And my next question…HOW do we figure it out when there is so much to figure out? It’s much bigger than walking on water.
A. You do what you can with what you have in front of you. On the world stage there is nothing you can do about what is going on. For now you observe, take note, watch it play out, for now. For the families of the plane crash victims you send love and prayers. For your weather, it’ll change, buy new boots 😉 For other personal issues, it’s one day at a time. You put it out in the Universe that you need help, with your heart energy that we’ve discussed before, and you allow the Universe to respond. Day by day, moment by moment. Maybe the response will be a one time mind blowing better than you can imagine solution to all your problems, OR, maybe it’ll be a day by day meandering figuring it out. Know the answers will come to you. Allow the answers to come to you. Be open to miracles but accept the days and directions as they present themselves. That’s how you practice being in the world. It’s okay to be sad. Sadness is part of being human. But there’s no need for worry or feelings of despair. Those feelings don’t have any place in the Universe. Those are feelings based in fear. And there is nothing to fear. Nothing. And when it comes to helping others, do not feel helpless. You are equipped to help in the best way possible. If it would be in their best interest for you to engage or participate with their issue in a certain way you would be provided the means and opportunity to help them. If you don’t have the means or opportunity then there’s no question that it’s not for you to provide. That’s all there is to that. You provide what you can. If all you have is a shoulder for them to cry on then know that is what is best for them and you at this time. You have to learn to trust the Universe, trust that the Universe knows what it’s doing. Trust that YOU know what you’re doing here on Earth and that you are you, and they are they, and things are things the way they are because that’s the way it’s supposed to play out. Let it go. Let it all go. And that’s how you overcome.
If you would like to ask a question of the Universe, please email it to Lynn Carol.
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