Is there true evil in the world? And is that evil limiting humanity’s advancement towards its goal of enlightenment?

Again, only in as much as you allow it to inhibit your growth. Yes, there is evil, it is the lowest of vibrations.  It does exist and it will always exist as part of the balance of the universe, but there are ways to maintain the “evil” lowest vibration without it having consequences on soul growth. This is a “problem” to which there is a solution, but/and the solution is being worked out by bringing the “evil” to the surface and allowing the higher vibrations to absorb and cleanse it. For you, as an individual, all you need to concern yourself with is maintaining YOUR best self and your higher vibration.  There are higher forces at work to nullify evil, so accept that and allow it to happen.  Know it is happening and know the best and only way for you to get through it is by focusing on what you can do for you.

Does this mean making a spa appointment instead of helping out at the homeless shelter?  It means both.  Energize yourself so that you can aid others.  Do you hate being around the homeless? Then don’t do it.  You are not helping yourself or others by being a martyr.  There are plenty of people who like helping.  If it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing. Your thing is out there. Go do it.

Be kind to yourself.  Be kind to others.  Respect yourself.  Respect others.  Understand there is polarity in the Universe.  There is light and there is dark.  There is good, there is evil. The level of consciousness we are getting to is not to use humanity as a channel of evil, but it has to come out of humanity first.

In an existence of “Being”, evil has no place. It has nothing to connect to.  No way to express itself because in “Being” you are only vibrating at the highest level. It is possible to live at this level.  It is your natural state. You are a being of God.  God allows evil, but evil does not affect God.  It is just allowed to exist.  You do not want to wish evil on any “one” so use your imagery to imagine evil coming to the surface and leaving the Earth to attach itself on a deserted planet. So then, you see, evil still exists in the Universal balance, just not on Earth.

If there are souls that live to experience evil, visualize them on an Island unto themselves.  Allow them their game.  Don’t allow them to interfere with your game.

Know you are in the game at this time to help dissipate the last vestiges of evil. It is fighting hard to survive.  Look upon it as God does.  Allow it to act out. Treat the circumstances as you would a child, a toddler acting out.  Don’t let it envelope you. Laugh, shake your head, be glad you know better, be glad you’ve grown out of it, and get on with your life.


If you would like to ask the Universe a question, ask here: Lynn Carol. I’ll post the question and answer on this blog.

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