Below is an excerpt from Back to Being about the weather. With all this crazy weather we are having, fires, snow, and cold I thought perhaps this might be relevant. At least something to ponder:
Q. Could pockets of weather turbulence be linked to energy issues that trigger weather events in specific regions? Consider tornadoes in the central United States, or hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones. Do energetic factors influence earthquakes? Are these natural events occurring along the same energy vibrations you mentioned earlier?
A. Vortex is a more appropriate term when concerning weather incidents. Vortexes are specific locations on Earth where energy is concentrated, either positive or negative. The vortex runs along ley lines which crisscross the Earth and intersect at certain points. Many, most, all of Earth’s natural and ancient man-made structures are built at spots where these vortices have a significant influence. Such as the Pyramids around the world, Machu Picchu, Ayers Rock in Australia, and so on. And there are many lesser-known but important structures in parts of the world built on areas where the vortices come together to create an energy that is highly influential to Earth’s structure – the balance of the energies. The weather events you question are happening around these vortices as well.
Do humans affect the vortices that cause weather events? Absolutely. So knowing there are specific places on earth, along these intersecting ley lines, where there is a buildup of energies, you can think how a buildup of negative energies might get caught up in the vortices and create a weather event. Let’s give an example in the U.S. You have all these negative political thoughts at the moment in your country, yes? Very negative, no matter what “side” you are on. The negative thoughts all run on the same vibration, the same energetic vibration. They spread in the vibrational atmosphere and where these natural vortices are located they get bunched up, aggravated if you will, and stuck and swirl, sucked into these vortices like a whirlpool, like a tornado. So, it’s not the inhabitants of a certain area that cause the weather events, it is all inhabitants of Earth everywhere with their thoughts that get collected by the vortices and cause enhanced weather events. Because weather events are energetically created. Man/humans/you are energetically created. It’s impossible not to be connected because everything in the Universe is energetically created. Everything. You cannot have a thought without there being a consequence. Not all thoughts create tornadoes, but all thoughts have an energetic consequence. Native Americans and many Indigenous tribes understand the importance of a mindset on weather events, rain dances for instance.
So, in answer to your question, yes negative energetic thoughts increase the intensity of weather-related events. Another thing to be mindful of with negative energy, negative toxic environments, is they ripple out and out—as does positive energy. Never think there’s nothing you can do in any situation. You can send love, and positive energy into any situation. Go to your “happy” place in your mind when surrounded by a toxic environment, as in the workplace. In the ecological environment – when you are faced with let’s say a chemical spill or ecological disaster of some kind, do not underestimate the power of clean water for flushing out your system. Movement of your body will keep the toxins from settling and then water will flush them out. Movement and water are your friends. Clean water. And always keep your spirits as high as possible. Listen to your body. Follow your intuition. ©
If you would like to ask a question of the Universe, please email it to Lynn Carol.
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