I have not been working on getting my Back to Being book published as quickly as I’d hoped. In my defense I was babysitting my grandpup who demanded ALL of my attention for 2 weeks and then after returning from that assignment I went back to my part time job but worked full time at my part time job just to get caught up from being off for 2 weeks while puppysitting. I have a lot of excuses. I question if it’s even necessary to publish it since there are so many books like this out there, but my gut tells me I wouldn’t have gotten the information if I wasn’t supposed to be sharing it.
One of my best friends’, my long-time encourager, my supportive cheerleader, always encouraging me to keep going with my spiritual interests, passed away a couple months ago. I am also lagging behind with this book’s progress as I don’t have her pushing me to stay on task. She had cancer and I knew her death was coming; however, I did not expect it to come as fast as it did. When she told me her time was coming to an end I was thinking another 5 years. It turned out to be 3 weeks. I’ve come to know it doesn’t matter what stage of enlightenment you are in, sometimes you are just in denial. I was in denial. Losing a friend or a beloved family member, especially when they are young can be devastating. I have worked in hospice since 2005. I love working with hospice patients. I feel honored to sit with them and talk with them in their last weeks or days. But, when it’s your friend or family member who is dying, it is a totally different experience.
I am not exactly obsessed, but I am more than a little bit fascinated with the afterlife and what it entails. I believe there is an afterlife, that we transition to, a vibration that we here, in the living 3D world, can not see. I also believe there are other differences; differences that are such that we choose to reincarnate to have the experiences that we have, because those experiences, those soul growing experiences, can’t happen in the afterlife.
I asked a few questions around death, dying and the afterlife in my book, Back to Being, and include below one of the passages that I wrote shortly after my friend passed. I am aware that my channeled writings are a bit on the rambling side. It fits though as I am also a rambler.
Is there a day we “choose” to die? Some people die mid-activity in the middle of a project or event. Why choose that exact moment? And conversely old people can linger forever, pissed off that they’re not passing. Is there a common theme? A way to slow down or speed up the event?
Ahhh, the birth day and death day mysteries. Based on what this entire discourse is attempting to convey, each person’s experience on Earth is based on a particular pre-planned or pre-conceived lesson that that particular soul came to learn. There are as many different lessons as there are souls incarnated on Earth. Accomplishments measured in Earthly physical terms are not the same as accomplishments measured by the soul’s parameters. And not all life experiences for everyone are some “hard” lessons. The lesson of the current life could be a time to relax, a time for reflection, and all life is a time for Joy. To find Joy in every circumstance and to learn and understand that you can and are “supposed to” overcome whatever circumstances are undesirable.
The death date, will, of course, be based on whatever life blueprint was chosen. It’s impossible to provide an explanation “across the board”. However, in the matter of old people, or sick people, who believe they have had enough time here and are ready to go; know this, you go when it’s time. And your time is your time. Older people “think” their life has no more meaning or they are tired or whatever their reason, but rest assured if they are still living they are still learning and teaching. Remember, you are all connected, everything is connected, and everything, everyone, has an energy. The person still living, has an energy, and that energy is undoubtedly connected to another’s energy and there will be consequences of one kind or another when that energy leaves the physical world. That energy, in a different form, does continue on, but just not in the physical 3D form. Even an unconscious person, in a coma, has an energy that has a reason to exist on this plane. People in comas, or elderly, who are unconscious, and non-communicative, are traversing both, all worlds. Their blueprint requires their energy to be here and there. And so it would bring comfort to know that they are still “here”, still in 3D Physical earth for whatever reason their energy is required here and, they are also “there.” Calm their fears and worries. Life is over in the blink of an eye. Don’t be so in a rush to end it. Enjoy it up to the last breath and every breath in between. Every breath of life has a purpose. Accept that there are reasons for all of it. Short lives, long lives, lives ended abruptly, lives dragged on and on (seemingly), and accept there is a “method to the madness”. The Universe is a well-oiled machine (a metaphor). There are no accidents. All life has purpose and all deaths and death timings have purpose. As do all timings of births.
When humanity finally learns to go with the flow, the comings and goings of life on Earth will be experienced much differently. But, now, in 2024, in this time period of evolution, you are still experiencing life with the ego’s perspective at the forefront. As if there are punishments. As if death is a punishment – or a reward. When a life is over, in your terms, over, it should be celebrated, no matter when it occurs. When a life comes into the world it should also be celebrated with reverence. The newborn soul is still openly connected to the higher vibration and is beginning their life’s journey which ain’t easy! Dying is easy! Dying is the reward of life. The surviving family and friends should feel honored that their loved one’s soul chose to experience life with them. Celebrate that and know their departure is a release. A release for them and for you. And know if you want to feel their energy around you after death, all you need to do is ask for it, and be wary not to block it. Often times people, such as yourself, say you don’t feel anything. In this case, it’s you, not them, not their energy. It’s you who are blocking it. And that’s okay too! You’ll feel it when the time is right. Frustration is a big energy blocker. Love is a big energy opener. Frustration is a result of disappointment and disappointment over trying to control an outcome. Don’t attempt to control how “you” think something should be. How “you” think an energy will feel or how it will present itself. True, oftentimes, it, the energy, will present exactly how you expect it to, but if it’s not happening according to your terms or expectations, drop your terms and expectations and allow the energy to flow “to” you, “for” you, in a better way than you can imagine. Go with the flow. Allow it. Trust that it is there whether or not you feel it. Your loved ones are always your loved ones. The love is always there.
Loved ones do not leave your life randomly. Universal timing is perfect. It may feel random, not fair, and devastating; however, we maintain that the loss and the relationship with the person at the time of the loss is in perfect timing with the Universe. The feelings of loss, grief, and devastation are, to put it in the simplest of meaning, is for your life experience and ultimately your soul’s growth. A more heightened feeling of loss could, not always, indicate an attachment that needed to be severed for your personal growth to continue. Not saying the person who died “sacrificed” themselves for your growth, but it would have all been agreed upon prior to birth. Let’s say, for example, you needed to learn separation or needed that push to find your center. Right, everyone is finding their center, but let’s say there was a particular growth spurt needed to gain that perspective and let’s say the death of someone close to you would be the experience needed for that particular perspective advancement. Okay, now let’s say Sue (as an example name) her graduation/death date was looming, and her time on Earth was coming to its natural end. So Sue’s soul and your soul have an understanding that your relationship with each other will become close, especially at the time of her death, because that was the life lesson you needed at that time. Sue’s time is coming to its natural end, she is not sacrificing anything. It’s a gift to form or enhance that close bond prior to the death date for both your benefits. Your friendship, at the end, would have also enhanced her end experience as well. A true honor to be with someone in their final days. Also enhancing and making that connection stronger in life, at the end of that life, will ensure a connection after life. That is not to say you can’t have a strong connection with a friend or loved one that you haven’t seen or talked to in years. This example is based on the premise of a close bond with a family member or loved one at the time of death. The death experience of a loved one is a signal to the survivor that growth is imminent. Growth is “expected”. The time for growth in your life is now. There is that feeling of a void or emptiness on purpose. You, as the survivor, are to fill it with what comes next.
Not “feeling” the presence of a loved one/family member after death does not mean they are not there. They are always there. The connection will be one of pure love, and pure vibration. The fact that you don’t feel something may be because you are waiting for them to fill that “void” that you are supposed to be replacing with something else. So, they are purposely letting you believe they are not there, so in essence you will move on. However, this is a very elementary explanation; there are many reasons you don’t feel their presence, but be assured they are always there. The connection in its purest, highest form is there. Raise your vibration, live in your Joy and that’s where you will feel them. That’s where their soul resides. In Joy.
Have a question for the Universe? Ask a question and I’ll post the answer on this blog (anonymously of course). Send your question to lynnemonahan11@gmail.com.