I was editing Back to Being for the umpteenth time earlier this week and when I got to this passage below I made a note to use it for this week’s blog, but I’m not sure why. I don’t have a relevant anecdote to accompany this post. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe the anecdote is that while I was writing the book my thoughts would jump all over the place. One day I’m asking about reincarnation, the next day I’m looking in the mirror and thinking about aging. Thus a question like this would come out onto the page. I decided whatever was in my head was what I would ask. Therefore, the flow of subjects is all over the place in the book. Taken out of context I’m not positive the final paragraph in this answer goes with the rest of the answer but I have to believe it ties in and will make more sense in context with the adjoining questions. Regardless it’s good advice so it stays in.
Why do we get gray hair after a certain age? Why does our skin sag? What is happening to our bodies as we age?
It’s all mindset – 100%. You “think” you are supposed to break down or look a certain way, and your thoughts are so powerful you get what you expect. Sure, you can be tired of living a certain way of life, for instance not wanting to perform hard labor after 30 years, but you don’t have to physically feel it to prove it. Just choose to move on without “thinking” that your body has to break down to prove to yourself that you deserve to move on. Society equates wisdom with age, and therefore one must look the part of an aged person to prove they have wisdom. Which is totally 100% fake news. Your body reacts to your thoughts about it. Your eating, exercise, and movement habits also respond to your thoughts and your body responds to these habits and to how you treat it. So if you choose to believe that your body will start to break down after a certain age you may choose to eat foods that will produce the breaking down effect that you are expecting to have. Change your mindset set and you’ll change what you put into your body.
Your thoughts are so powerful that you can literally move mountains, but start small. Start with basic health. Know your body is perfect and only responds to what you put into it. Expect to be perfectly fit, healthy, and vital for your entire existence on Earth and you will be drawn to the right foods, and the right activities to enable this healthy long lifestyle. Everything, and we mean EVERYTHING starts in your mind.
Your mind is very complex. Every thought affects another thought and on and on. That is why we suggest that your basic underlying thought always be of joy, of love, of beauty, of pure happiness. Not ever of a “thing” or a “person” or a specific anything. But of that feeling that the “thing” or “person” promotes in you. Think love, joy, peace, serenity, beauty, and that will set the pace for everything that follows.
Remember, YOUR life is unique. Your challenges, your victories, your loves, and your perception are yours and yours alone. There are certainly similarities, but never exactly the same as another. Once you accept this and grasp your uniqueness, you will stop comparing yourselves to others. You will understand YOU chose your life. YOU chose your circumstances and YOU can choose to appreciate them, all of them, all circumstances. Even the ones you consider challenging. Especially the ones you consider challenging, as in the end, the challenging experiences are what makes your soul soar in growth. Compassion towards yourself and others leads the way to acceptance. Compassion, not pity, is a life lesson to learn and integrate. An important life lesson.
If you would like to ask the Universe a question through me, please send your question to lynnemonahan11@gmail.com and I will post the answer (anonymously) on this blog.