What do you have to say about visualizing? Manifesting a desire? And how or if that conflicts with “Being” and living in the moment(s)?
As previously stated, it is natural and expected to desire. To want experiences or things that you believe will make you happy. But don’t lose sight of the end result—the happiness factor. We will re-iterate that your focus should be on happiness and Joy. So while visualizing is an excellent practice, know it is the end result that is happiness that you seek, and not the “thing” or even the experience you are using in your visualization. Those things, places, people are interchangeable props to produce a feeling that you are desiring. Let go of the props, use them, but don’t attach to the props and you will find your happiness. You may choose to verbalize internally the phrase “or better” or just know that the details are interchangeable.
“Being” has everything to do with letting go of the details. Everything. When you are “free to be” you’re declaring, in a sense, that the details don’t matter, and that you are free to attain happiness however it presents itself. Allowing the happiness to take shape in whatever way you, in connection with the “U” deem most profitable for the experiences you have chosen. Because of the variety of experiences to be had, your “happy” will not be everyone’s “happy.” You are all led to believe, by your media and societal norms, that certain “things” or situations, “normal” situations, will make you happy. However, there are millions of variables that make these advertised norms obsolete.
Take the varying experiences of winning the lottery. And the social adjustments to that experience. Some people think winning the lottery would solve all their problems. Other people think winning the lottery would be the worst thing to happen to them. Both and everything in between is true. Every circumstance is different. There never is an all-inclusive answer.
There is also truth in “it is what you make of it.” You can apply that resolve to any circumstance. Circumstance is a key word there. Circumstances do not define who you are. Circumstances are just that. A circumstance. Something that can be changed and/or manipulated. And your perspective about a circumstance can change. And it can change quickly.
So, yes, visualize your happy place and allow your state of Being to respond and know the fact that you are free-to-be denotes that your happiness can show up in a myriad of ways, ways that have nothing to do with societal norms or societal expectations.
Be open to possibilities. Manifest happiness, not a thing, not a person, nor a particular scenario. Manifest the end result of happiness.
If you would like to ask a question of the Universe, please email it to Lynn Carol.
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