I asked a friend tonight to come up with a question for the blog, as I often get stuck on the same topic and she came up with a great question! Here it is:
Q. Is there an alternate reality? A parallel Universe? And if so, can we connect somehow?
Funnily (?) enough, that question (a similar question) is actually in the book. Even though the answer is in the book, Back to Being, I wrote out an answer, in the moment, as well. Just to see if I would get something different. Here’s what I got:
A. Yes, there are parallel Universes. Connect is not a word we would use. Pass-through is better. Everything – all times and possibilities – actually overlap. Think Déjà vu. When an alternate reality overlaps, you may or will have a sense or feeling of what you have called a Déjà vu. You have inaccurately referred to this as “it’s happened before” – at least some people refer to it that way – when in actuality it is an alternate reality feeling or experiencing the same thing at the same moment. And doesn’t that make more sense? You don’t connect but you can acknowledge “yourself”. Give your alternate self a smile, a quick hello, an I love you, a quick thank you for living out the possibility that you chose not to live out in your reality. That would be an example of a fleeting connection, but it’s really more of an overlap. There are more than a few possibilities being lived in other dimensions, other time lines, other Universes, at the same time. Yes, there are alternate Universes. Not only do your individual souls have alternate realities, the Universe, the whole Universe has alternate realities! Sometimes, in dreams, you’ll catch a glimpse of an alternate universe. Perhaps one where you are flying. Or one where you are trying to run but can’t move. That could be an alternate Universe where your physical bodies are not the same and legs don’t move, or legs don’t exist. Just know you are not missing out on anything. All choices, most choices, are played out on a different but parallel Universe. You haven’t had any missed opportunities. In another version of reality, you are playing out the option that you believe you have missed. You haven’t missed anything.
And the question and answer from the book Back to Being:
Can we discuss the idea of multiple versions of life? Not reincarnated versions, but versions of possibilities from our current life, i.e. one where I never got divorced, or where I never got married, or where I finished college the first time, or where my father was more successful, for example. This is an idea being presented in our media and books. Is there validity to this concept?
Yes, it is a valid concept. There are multiple versions of your decisions playing out simultaneously. Not every single decision gets an offshoot, but more than a few, much more.
How does it work exactly?
So, there is the LOVE vibration, yes? The all-that-is everything, and there are all of the extensions. Ok, keep in mind that every rock, tree, insect, and animal, all of them are extensions, not only humans. Every living, and what you would consider not living, is an extension. More about “not living” next. Okay, so you, as an extension of God/The Source vibration also have multiple extensions. It’s like God dispatches all these souls and tasks you all with creating worlds, so that “He” (absolutely NOT a “he”) can have experiences through you. The LOVE vibration wants to expand, wants to be stronger, wants to know more. So, you as an offshoot, have your marching orders. You are an exact replica of the Source, right? So, then you endeavor to create “your” world. Your higher self, the highest self, is also acting as a proxy for God. And as God’s proxy, you create worlds within worlds so you can experience the most effectively and efficiently. Knowing, as your God self, that there is much to experience, you enable the world you create to splinter off so that you can have multiple versions of your experience at one time.
There is reincarnation, which is a different “you” on a different timeline (but happening all at once) and, there is you (as Jane Doe let’s say) having multiple experiences as Jane happening simultaneously. Of course, you, the Jane Doe writing these words, are only aware of this lifetime version. And you as Jane Doe in the other versions of Jane Doe are experiencing those lifetimes solely. Think about how many thoughts you have in one day, or at one time, and how a million things can go through your head at once. That is likened to how this works. Your lives are like thoughts in that they are all happening, and they don’t take up any more space than how your mind takes up space with your thoughts. Does that make sense?
So let’s say you, sitting here, in your mind are thinking about work, rent, vacation, getting a suntan, buying a car or two, moving, not moving, writing this, and thinking about what you’re writing. All those thoughts are living in your head. Well, all your lives are living in the offshoot that you are. Your higher soul self can maintain all these life experiences simultaneously.
How does knowing this enhance this life, the one that you are focused on now? Is this helpful or useful information to know?
It is somewhat different in terms of useful information, different than knowing reincarnated lives; because as Jane Doe, the current you, there is a connected thread that runs through the you now and your reincarnated lives past and future. Other versions of the now Jane Doe, i.e. where you live in New York City (as you once dreamed of) have a different reincarnated thread based on that version of you. So, in one way you are not as connected with your alternate realities as you are with your reincarnated selves. It’s just pretty cool to know that there are no missed opportunities, and there are no wrong decisions because the main decisions that have life-altering effects are being played out on another timeline, another dimension. You’re not missing anything. Your higher self is experiencing it all. You can only process, on this level, one experience at a time, and so here you are. In dreams, you often tap into another you. That is why there can be strangers that are so familiar in your dreams or as often happens with you in particular, your dad’s still alive, or you live in your childhood home, or you live in New York City, a completely different version, and in your dreams, you can touch base with and have a bit of the experience of the other yous.
So much happens in dreams. Consciousness travel – just wrap your head around all the places you can be in one night’s sleep time. Your consciousness, your imagination, your thoughts, your dreams, it’s all real. Everything is real and has significance.
The other night your journaled writing suggested you align your heart with your hearts in other reincarnated lifetimes. This would include other alternative lives as well. When you can get all the Jane Doe’s in sync, you can all move forward with your higher self’s next steps. There is an end game, you know. One where after your higher self, that is the offshoot extension of God, the Source/LOVE vibration has completed its mission of expanding and solidifying, you will then be reabsorbed back into Source and go on to the next steps. The Source’s next steps. But not until all offshoots have completed their respective missions to grow and experience and expand and remember! So, just like the God source can’t go on to the next steps until your higher self-completes its mission, well you can’t go on to next steps until you are all in alignment. Now that you know this, you can make conscious efforts, in your mind, in your imagination, in your meditation, to bring your selves into alignment and move forward together.
“Forward” will have various meanings and implications for each reincarnation, and each alternative life, but in unison, all together is how it’s done effortlessly. When you are feeling scattered, think of pulling all your hearts in line with a golden thread, throughout time. Imagine it. All the yous, smiling, getting in sync, and saying “Ready – let’s do this” and do this you shall.
This applies to every single soul on the plant. Align your hearts, comfort each of your other selves, and accept each one, you are all having the experiences that your higher self has chosen for you. Experiences to enhance and strengthen your growth and in turn, God’s growth.
The follow-up question is: Do we always get our guy or girl, our soul mate? (a reference to the Sliding Doors movie with Gwyneth Paltrow)?
A. The answer is “no” – not always – because there are soooo many realities you don’t ALWAYS get the guy/girl, but in many many many you do. And when the guy/girl you meet feels like you’ve met before or have known before, believe that you have. There are many of the same people that go through the alternate realities with you. Because you’re referencing alternates of “this” reality, you’re going to have the same players in each one. But there are instances where, for instance, you missed the 11 am bus and caught the 11:20 bus and the love of your life IS on the the 11:20 bus. So half a million realities where you catch the bus and half a million realities where you miss it. The question, does the love of your life show up later then on the elevator?
If you would like to ask a question, please send it to: Lynn Carol. I will post the answer on the blog.
You can buy Back to Being: here
Janice · 02/07/2025 at 6:05 pm
More of a question than a comment- how or why is it my Deja vu experiences seemed to have lessened the older I’ve gotten?
Lynn · 02/08/2025 at 9:31 am
From the “U” (Universe) – Janice could be/is blocking them so she doesn’t trigger a Vertigo event. Most people do not have a Deja vu experience often. And many people when the overlap does occur they don’t know what to call it, or how to frame it so then they dismiss it. After awhile, and if it happens frequently, you learn to block it or dismiss it. If you decide to accept that “feeling” as an overlap and want to say hi to a parallel self you will then notice it happening more.
When you first started to see floaters in your eyes you were concerned, but then the doctors said they were a natural sign of aging (more on that later) and you would learn to ignore them, and you did learn to ignore them. It’s like that. You learn to ignore phenomenon that you can’t make sense of.
Janice · 02/08/2025 at 9:53 am
That makes sense, I’m very good at that!! Lol
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